The BXML .NET Plugin is designed to facilitate the development of Backbase powered web applications using the Visual Studio .NET 2003.
The BXML .NET plugin consists of two XML Schema (XSD) files (backbase-vs-b.xsd and backbase-vs-s.xsd).
Code Completion and Quick Tag Editor
HTML/ BXML tags in HTML files HTML/ BXML attributes in HTML files BXML tags in XML files BXML attributes in XML filesNote that in Visual Studio 2003, code completion does not work inside the <xmp> tags because the browser does not recognize the content of the tags as markup, but renders the content as plain text. To use code completion in Visual Studio 2003, you must either comment out the <xmp> tags when coding at development time, or do your coding in an include file that is loaded into your single page interface (that contains <xmp> tags).
Additional Features
Tags with src attribute have a browse to file and drag file option. s:fxstyle tags of type color have a color picker control option for the b:color attribute.
The BXML .NET plugin can be installed by copying the two schema files into the Common7\Packages\schemas\xml\ Visual Studio folder (for example, c:\Program Files\Common7\Packages\schemas\xml\).
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